16.11.2020 • 

(1) Liberty (A) Power comes from the people (This is not democracy) (2) Judicial Review (B) Small group of -usually rich- people that make all decisions
(3) Equality (C) Constitution sets limits on the power of the government
(4) Republic (D) Freedom
(5) Popular Sovereignty (E) One person rules with unlimited power - usually cruel
(6) Free Enterprise (F) The process through which decisions are made for the people
(7) Social Contract Theory (G) Government of/for the people (This is not popular sovereignty)
(8) Federalism (H) Process by which government makes and carries out decisions
(9) Monarchy (I) Government where people agree to be ruled by the state
(10) Oligarchy (J) Rulers are seen as right, proper, and legitimate
(11) Divine Right of Kings (K) The king answers only to God
(12) Politics (L) Everyone's the same
(13) Teacher’s favorite drink (M) Government where people have a voice (This is not democracy or popular sovereignty)
(14) Limited Government (N) Diet Coke
(15) Separation of powers (O) Everyone must obey the Constitution
(16) Government (P) Own,sell, run your own business
(17) Checks and Balances (Q) Each branch checks the power of the other two
(18) Dictatorship (R) Each branch has its own job to do
(19) Democracy (S) Government ruled by one person
(20) Legitimacy (T) Power is divided between state and federal government

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