18.07.2019 • 

1. the iranian revolution that brought ayatollah ruhollah khomeini to power in 1979 resulted in part from which factor? a. growth of influence from arab neighbors. b. resistance to islamic fundamentalism. c. anger at western interventions. d. nationalization of various industries. 2. how did industrialization spur european imperialism in the nineteenth century? a. european nations sought sources of raw materials for industry b. european businesses needed larger workforces. c. european citizens depended on competition to win better wages. d. european rulers required more land to house excess populations. 3. how did manifest destiny deepen divisions among u.s. citizens? a. by igniting debate over the expansion of slavery. b. by undermining calls to defend the annexation of texas. c. by forcing native americans to move westward to reservation lands. d. by empowering a national

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