20.07.2019 • 

1. what did the protest at alcatraz island in the late 1960s accomplish it led to the building a. of a new prison facility with better conditions. b.i t led to the passage of a new law protecting american indian rights. c.i t resulted in the creation of a new university for american indians. d. it brought awareness to the unfair treatment of american indians. 2.promoting gender equality in employment is one of the goals of a. the special olympics. b. the united farm workers. c. the american indian movement. d. the national organization for women. 3. one of the leaders of the american indian movement was a. cesar chavez. b. martin luther king jr. c.russell means. d. eunice kennedy shriver. 4. what did title ix provide funding for? check all that apply. the protection of land rights the protection of voting rights women’s sports programs women’s education programs the opening of new cultural centers 5.what did aim hope alcatraz island would become? a.a cultural center and university american indian reservation c.a government-supported community center d.a public space with accommodation

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