02.04.2020 • 

1. What was a key reason for the outcome of the Peninsula Campaign?
A. General Irvin McDowell was overly cautious.
B. General Robert E. Lee was overly cautious.
C. General George McClellan was overly cautious.
D. General Thomas Jackson was overly cautious.

2. The Union military strategy designed to cut off the South’s supplies became known as the _[blank]_.
A. Union Plan
B. Scott Strategy
C. Python Strategy
D. Anaconda Plan

3. Why did Lincoln dismiss General McClellan after the Battle of Antietam?
A. General McClellan had lost the Battle of Antietam.
B. McClellan had chosen not to pursue the fleeing Confederates.
C. Lincoln wanted to support a new military plan by Edwin Stanton.
D. McClellan openly mocked Lincoln’s support of the Anaconda Plan.

4. The Civil War affected future warfare by _[blank]_.
A. introducing the use of wooden ships
B. introducing attrition warfare tactics, such as the ill-fated trench warfare
C. making horses a much more important part of fighting
D. introducing the use of muskets

5. Which accurately describes the impact of railroads during the Civil War?
A. Railroads made supply chains more difficult to plan.
B. Railroads gave the North an advantage.
C. Railroads gave the South an advantage.
D. Railroads increased the number of deaths.

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