15.04.2020 • 

1.Which statements describe the geographic and climatic features of Scandinavia that encouraged people to go to sea?

Choose all answers that are correct.

long coastlines

lots of sandy beaches

hot summers

easy access to seas.

2. Which statements describe the geographic and climatic features of Scandinavia that encouraged people to go to sea?

Choose all answers that are correct.

large herds of cattle

harsh winters

scarcity of farmland.

3. Which statements are elements of Norse culture?

Choose all answers that are correct.

The people built sturdy longships.

The people were skilled at building log canoes.

The government included councils called Things.

The government included a juried court system.

4.Which statements are elements of Norse culture?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Throughout their history, the people traded peacefully with other nations.

Their religious life centered around monasteries.

Fierce sailors were called navalites.

Wild warriors were called berserkers.

The people went on fierce raids.

5.When they went a-viking to other places, what did the Vikings often attack?

country manors




6.Which place did the Vikings raid frequently?

North America



North Africa

7. Which statement most accurately describes Viking journeys?

Vikings traveled by land and sea to reach the cities of central Europe and Asia Minor.

Vikings traveled by sea, most often to Iceland, Greenland, and North America.

Vikings traveled by sea, staying close to coastlines and rarely going inland.

Vikings traveled mostly by water, reaching the Caspian Sea in eastern Europe and as far west as North America. They made hit-and-run raids--primarily on churches--as they searched for gold and silver.

8. Which of the following most accurately describes Viking raids?

Viking raids focused on churches and monasteries because the Vikings wanted to eliminate Christianity wherever they could.

Vikings most often raided cities where they could steal from businesses and wealthy homes.

Vikings made raids that were usually hit and run, and they targeted monasteries or churches that had valuable gold and silver objects.

Vikings raided rural areas to take livestock back with them to Scandinavia.

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