30.12.2019 • 

1. which was a reason that rice-farming promote the spread of slavery?

a) it required large numbers of workers laboring in hot, humid, unhealthy conditions.

b) it required skills that african slaves from barbados had already learned.

c) it produced enormous profits for planters that allowed them to purchase slaves.

d) it produced a good harvest but little profit, so labor needed to be very cheap.

of which was the western section of pennsylvania considered a part?

a) the backcountry

b) the south

c) new france

d) a native american empire

3. what was the result of king philip’s war?

a) metacom was killed, and the english colonies were free to expand.

b) a treaty between king philip and metacom ended the conflict quickly.

c) metacom was captured, and the wamanoags forced to sign a treaty agreeing to leave.

d) metacom was unable to overrun any english towns, so he gave up the fight.

4. what was the main reason for the decrease in native americans in new england by the 1670s?

a) diseases caught from the europeans

b) overcrowding by english colonists

c) being driven out by puritan leaders

d) warfare with the colonists over the fur trade

5.which was an important part of new england’s economy by the 1660s?

a) slavery

b) textile production

c) shipbuilding

d) tobacco farms

why did bacon’s rebellion collapse?

a) the virginia governor declared bacon and his men rebels.

b) the english stopped consuming tobacco.

c) its leader, nathaniel bacon, became sick and died.

d) bacon was defeated at jamestown.

what was the “backcountry”?

a) a frontier region extending through several colonies, from pennsylvania to georgia

b) the western edge of pennsylvania, where the border was undefined

c) a frontier region to the west of new york

d) an area west of new hampshire, that was claimed by new hampshire and new york

8.what happened to the participants of bacon’s rebellion?

a) the governor granted them a portion of the established farms along the coast.

b) the governor sent them back to england in chains.

c) the governor hanged 23 of them.

d) the governor granted them land in native american territory.

for which group’s benefit was the colony of maryland established?

a) atheists

b) jews

c) catholics

d) protestants

which statement about georgia’s beginnings is true?

a) spanish farmers were invited to join the english settlers in georgia.

b) georgia’s founders wanted it to be a colony of large, rich plantations.

c) small farmers were forbidden to settle in georgia for the first 20 years.

d) slavery was originally banned in georgia, but later became legal.

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