23.06.2019 • 

1. why did the factory system replaced the putting-out system? later marriages meant fewer rural workers producing products in their homes handicraft workers were too slow in their production to meet demand work need to be located where engineers built complicated machinery a large pool of unskilled urban workers did not have homes to produce in. 2.which was a result of experimentation in art in the early twentieth century? reaction against neoclassicism with emphasis on appreciation of nature disdain for realism with beauty expressed in pure color or shape description of natural appearances of objects by dabs of unmixed primary colors revival of classical ideals characterized by order and symmetry 3. which was not an outcome of the scramble for africa? the union of south africa became a dominion of great britain. the british army occupied egypt to protect its financial interests. liberia gradually became a protectorate of the u.s leopold ii belgium personally dominated the congo free state. 4. which was a key feature of the young turk era? the women’s emancipation movement was suppressed mandatory islamic primary education was instituted constitutionally-held civil liberties were rescinded tuirkish domination was upheld throughout the empire 5. which was not a key event related to the chinese republic and 1911 revolution? general yuan shikai forcibly took the presidency dr.sun yat sen was forced into japenese exile the lucrative opium trade resumed from the countryside regional warlords revived irrigation project for farmers 6. which was not a root of german national socialism? anti-communism anti -semitism democratic socialism pan-germanism 7. which was not an invention that fueled the industrial revolution? flying shuttle power loom spinning wheel steam engine 8.whcih action angered and unified the arabs of egypts, north africa, and arabia in the inter-war period? british balfour declaration of 1917 allied treaty of sevres of 1920 peace of versailles of 1919 war guilt clause article 231 9. which was not an impact of wwi? furthered industrialization of western economies dismantling of european colonial empires instability in eastern europe accelerated social transformation 10. which describes a feature of the british empire in india? christian-style public schools were established for children of indian elites the east india company represented british interest economically and militarily port cities were modernized for extensive trade while the interior was undeveloped indian customs and laws were supported even if they conflicted with english law 11. which did not result from the reign of nicholas ii of russia russia suffered a humiliating defeat in the russo-japenese war nicholas was forced to create a national parliament to retain throne nicholas created elected zemstvos to deal with peasant welfare russian forces were mobilized against austria’s threat to serbia.

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