24.11.2020 • 

11. Describe the differences between the following two people: A Spartan Woman & An Athenian Woman
a) An Athenian woman was encouraged to be strong and independent and a Spartan
woman had very few rights.
b) The Athenian women had all the power over the men and the Spartan women had no
power over the men.
c) Women in Athens had more freedom, were encouraged to be strong, and could own
property. Women in Sparta didn't have much freedom, were married at the age of 14,
and couldn't leave the house without permission from their husband.
d) Women in Athens didn't have much freedom, were married at the age of 14, and couldn't
leave the house without the permission from their husband. Women in Sparta had more
freedom, were encouraged to be strong, and could own property.

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