03.02.2022 • 

1860: Louisiana produces one-sixth of the nation's cotton 1865-1900: The price of raw cotton falls from $0.89 per pound to about $0.09 per pound in the United States
1928: Raw cotton reaches $0.28 per pound in the United States, the highest price between 1900 and 1970
1990s: The cotton industry revives because of consumer interest in natural fabric
1995: Planted acres of cotton reach 1,085,000 acres
Which of the following best describes the most significant historic event relating to the cotton industry?
A The European trade embargo on cotton increased the price and decreased the supply.
Eli Whitney's invention, the cotton gìn, made cotton profitable and revitalized the slave-based economic system.
The increase in demand and price reduction of cotton to $0.09 per pound resulted in an increase in slave labor.
The cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney, drastically reduced the number of planted acres of cotton over time.

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