27.11.2020 • 

19. The 14th Amendment also affects every citizen of the US because they get A. 40 acres and a mule
B. voting rights when they turn 18
C. a chance to renew their citizenship every 5 years by taking a Civics test
D. equal protection of the laws of every state and the US
20. The 15th Amendment
A. Gives the right to vote to all men
B. Gives the right to vote to all regardless of gender
C. Made slavery illegal in the USA
D. Made segregation illegal in the USA
21. The 19th Amendment
A. Gives the right to vote to all men
B. Gives the right to vote to all regardless of gender/sex
C. Made slavery illegal in the USA
D. Made segregation illegal in the USA
22. The problems that led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were
A. Slavery and the Civil War
B. Too many kids were not graduating high school
C. Real and perceived Police Brutality
D. Public places were segregated by race in many parts of the US
23. In the case of US. Vs. O’Brien, the problem involved
A. burning the American Flag
B. wearing clothes that are made of the American flag
C. letting the American flag touch the ground
D. young men burning their draft cards to protest the Vietnam war
24. US vs. O’Brien, when O’Brien performed his act of protest, it was argued as an issue of
A. freedom of assembly C. trial by jury
B. freedom of symbolic speech D. right to counsel (lawyer)

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