14.04.2021 • 

2. A. PART B: Which TWO quotations from the text best supports the answer to Part A? "My apprehension is that they will prove fatal." (Paragraph 2) B. "It is not probable that the President will live through the night." (Paragraph 3) C. "He evidently did not see the person who shot him, but was looking on the stage, as he was approached behind." (Paragraph 6) D. "The theater was densely crowded, and everybody seemed delighted with the scene before them." (Paragraph 14) E. "...when all present rose to their feet, rushing toward the stage, exclaiming. 'Hang him! Hang him!" (Paragraph 16) F. "The shock to the community was terrible." (Paragraph 24) 3. PART A: What does the word "accomplice" mean as it is used in paragraph 12? A. the victim of a crime​

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