27.05.2021 • 

2. Based on information in the excerpt, which factor most influenced the growth of Brooklyn?
its closeness to Manhattan
its status as the state capital
We have many startling data with which to illustrate the
wonderful progress of our country in industrial pursuits, social
refinement, and true national greatness; but there is none
more tangible than the growth of cities. We will select for
illustration, only three, from a single State-the cities of
Brooklyn, Rochester, and Buffalo, in the State of New York
The wonderful vitality which has stimulated the growth of
each has been drawn from separate and distinct sources:
Brooklyn from its proximity to a great and increasing
commercial city, Rochester from the inherent energy,
industry, and enterprise of its aggregating population; and
Buffalo from its eligible position in the great pathway of
commerce between the Atlantic and the States along the
Great Lakes and the Father of Waters (
its entrepreneurial population
its proximity to the Great Lakes

2. Based on information in the excerpt, which factor most influenced the growth of


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