14.12.2021 • 

2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A "Somehow slavery would manage to survive the
revolutionary era, but great changes were brought to this
peculiar institution nevertheless." ( Paragraph 1)
B "As the cotton industry grew and slavery became more
and more entrenched across the American South,
opposition to it also grew." ( Paragraph 5)
OC "The new Abolitionists thought differently. They saw
slavery as a blight on America that must be brought to an
end immediately" ( Paragraph 9)
D "While northern churches rallied to the Abolitionist
cause, the churches of the South used the Bible to defend
slavery." ( Paragraph 10)

2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer

to Part A?
A Somehow slavery woul

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