20.03.2020 • 

PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. “African Americans were expected to sit in a separate railroad car, one that was
usually dirty and smoke-filled, though they were charged full fare." (Paragraph 3)
B. "They yanked Ida from her seat, ripping her sleeve. As they hauled her down the
aisle, the white passengers stood and applauded." (Paragraph 5)
"When the case went to court, the judge decided in Ida's favor. Her ticket, he
said, entitled her to a first-class seat - a seat that the smoking car did not
provide." (Paragraph 12)
"Ida B. Wells is an inspiration to everyone who knows about her. She did not
only fight for her rights but she won." (Paragraph 18)

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