08.01.2020 • 

2. which strategy allowed germany to have immense success at the beginning of world war ii? (1 point)
-the schlieyen plan
-submarine warfare
-the use of poison gas

3. what was one result of hitler’s invasion of the soviet union? (1 point)
-germany gained access to soviet factories and farms.
-stalin fled the soviet union.
-germany was able to take control of leningrad.
-churchill and stalin became allies.

4. what was the effect of the nazi invasion of the soviet union? (1 point)
-due to the quick german victory, germany was able to send more troops to the western front.
-the german army couldn’t sustain a two-front war, and this contributed to their downfall.
-it strengthened the german army due to the weapons it captured from the soviet army.
-it required the germans to divert all their planes from britain to conduct air raids on moscow.

5. what caused italy and germany to declare war on the united states? (1 point)
-the u.s. declared war on germany after it invaded poland.
-the u.s. used the lend-lease act to fund britain’s military.
-the u.s. banned the sale of war materials to axis powers.
-the u.s. declared war on japan after it attacked pearl harbor.

6. what halted the nazis’ rapid advance into russia? (1 point)
-lack of resources and moral support
-poor weather conditions
-the polish army
-intervention by u.s. forces

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