06.05.2020 • 

3.06 Know your Rights Congratulations! You are a new citizen of the United States! With this new excitement in your life, you are going to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to share what you appreciate about the freedoms granted to you in the Bill of Rights. You will let others know what it is you love about being in America! You can create this on a word document, PowerPoint, video/audio, etc. I want to see you be creative! There are samples below to get your ideas flowing. Remember, all work must be typed. Here’s what you’ll do: 1. Create an imaginary name for yourself. 2. Pick an amendment from the first ten in the Constitution 3. Explain, in your own words, the amendment you chose. 4. Explain why you think it is important for a person to know the amendment you chose. 5. Give an example of how the amendment would be used today. 6. Create your announcement for others to benefit from what you know. If doing a poster, include pictures and color to attract people’s attention to it. Make a catchy title. There are other creative options listed in the assignment instructions on page 4. Poster must be typed.

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