22.04.2021 • 

3 13. 2
Read the excerpt from the story "What Became of the Giants."
It seemed as if the giants were going to win, for even the gods were frightened and made haste to
change their forms. The mighty Jupiter took upon himself the figure of a ram. Apollo became a
crow, Diana a cat, Juno a cow, Venus a fish and Mercury a bird.
Which choice best explains how the identities of the gods in "Those Changing Olympians!"
compare to those described in the excerpt?
They have the ability to change shape and transform themselves from gods into
They are represented in many different ways, possibly because humans imagined a
variety of roles and identities for them.
C. They are described as the traditional gods of the ancient Greeks, while the ones
described above are more modern variations
D. They are characterized as divine beings who were worshipped by the ancient Greeks,
while the ones described above are portrayed as mortals with heroic strengths.l

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