07.11.2020 • 

3. Read the passage and create a timeline based on the nts described in the text. After you've put the events in order, identify one conclusion that can be drawn from
their chronology Use precise language to describe your conclusion (4 points)
Throughout the 1500s, the population of London increased
rapidly as people from across Great Britain and the world moved
to the city and called it home How could the city support all
these people. A complex infrastructure was needed to
accommodate the growing urban population. Throughout the
17th century, London officials built systems to serve people's
water sewage and electricity needs in 1609, the city connected
30,000 homes to a new reservoir in hopes of bringing them safer
drinking water. Almost 50 years later in 1662, city officials
started a mail delivery system. And four years later, regularly it
streetiamps allowed people to stroll London's main streets at
night. London's rising population also brought an increase in
traffic. Starting in 1625 people had to get licenses to drive
carriages on city streets Buses also crowded London's streets
Traffic jams were common. For example, in 1661, one Londoner
named Samuel Pepys said he was stuck in his carriage in a
traffic jam for an hour and a half.

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