23.04.2021 • 

53 points Will mark brainliest and will get my friends the say thanks with 5 stars if you can answer all of these.

1. Answer the following questions about the main events and leaders of the Punic Wars.
a. Rome realized Carthage had naval superiority. Describe the tactic the Romans used so their army could fight the Carthaginians.
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b. What started the First Punic War and what was the outcome?
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c. In the Second Punic War, Hannibal emerged as a brilliant military leader. Explain his approach to battle and why.
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d. What did the Romans do as a result of Hannibal’s attacks? What was the outcome of the second war?
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e. What leader rose in the third war that wanted to end the fighting?
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f. What was the outcome of the third war and how did they know there would be no fourth?
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(Score for Question 2: ___ of 6 points)
2. During the days of the Roman Empire, the Romans valued their above all else. According to one of their great orators, a man named , a state without was like a body without a . The always-practical Romans tried to give their state an orderly mind called or the “”.
Fill in the blanks above or list the words in order here.
3. In a short paragraph, describe what was done to make the masses (common people) happy during the Empire. Describe how differently the wealthy people of the Roman Empire lived during this time.

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(Score for Question 3: ___ of 6 points)
4. Judea came under Roman rule in 63 B.C. What were the Jews thoughts of these Romans? What did the Romans think of the Jews?
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(Score for Question 4: ___ of 6 points)
5. Explain how Christianity spread from the Roman Empire and beyond?
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(Score for Question 5: ___ of 6 points)
6. Answer the following questions about Rome transitioning from a republic to an empire.
a. Describe the Roman Republic by defining a republic and why the Romans wanted this setup.
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b. How long did the republic last?
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c. After the Punic wars, describe what was happening in the republic.
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d. After leading his troops into Civil War and winning who declared himself “dictator for life”?
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e. After the death of Julius Caesar, who seized power ending the republic and establishing the empire ruled by an all-powerful emperor?
Type your answer here.

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