29.01.2021 • 

7. Resolved. that the right of suffrage in the first branch of the national Legislature ought not to be according to the rule established in the articles of confederation: but according to some equitable ratio of representation — namely, in proportion to the whole number of white and other free citizens and inhabitants of every age, sex, and condition including those bound to servitude for a term of years, and three fifths of all other persons not comprehended in the foregoing description, except Indians, not paying taxes in each State. 8. Resolved. that the right of suffrage in the second branch of the national Legislature ought to be according to the rule established for the first.

–Virginia Plan, 1787

Which of the following provisions of the Virginia Plan was included as a compromise in the version of the Constitution approved at the Constitutional Convention?

the legislative structure of the Articles of Confederation
the requirements for granting suffrage to individual citizens
the formula for counting the enslaved population of each state
the representation system for each house of the legislature

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