14.08.2021 • 

8.07 After the September 11 attacks, some quilters began making quilts to commemorate the event and to honor those who died. Students were asked to make their own "Squares of Hope" for these quilts to help them cope with the tragedy. Step 1: Design your own "Square of Hope" quilt square to memorialize the victims of a terrorist attack. You may choose 9/11 or another international attack. You may draw the quilt square by hand, or use digital images. The quilt square should contain at least one image related to the attack. Place your pictures/collage HERE Step 2: Write a paragraph (5-6 sentences) describing what the symbols and image(s) you chose for your square mean to you. Explain the significance of each image or symbol. Step 3: Focusing on the last half of the 20th century (1900s) and the first part of the 21st century (early 2000s), write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) using what you have learned in the lesson to explain how terrorism is different from other types of wafare. (Use examples of economic, physical, political, and psychological impacts). Also describe how the US and the rest of the world have responded to terrorism.

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