26.11.2020 • 

A) Describe an action Congress could take to address the issues outlined in the excerpts. b) In the context of the excerpts, explain how the use of congressional power described in part A can be affected by its interaction with the president.

c) In the context of the excerpts, explain how the interaction between Congress and the presidency explained in part B can be affected by linkage institutions.


It's our obligation to allow children a high-quality education. And it's our responsibility to make sure that the No Child Left Behind law which passed this chamber with a bipartisan vote of 381 to 41—is implemented fairly and appropriately not simply "fixed" because some organizations find it flawed. As a Congress, we're conducting that implementation oversight. I am pleased to see our Education and Workforce Committee hold oversight hearings on No Child Left Behind law and hope that it will continue.

—From Max Burns, U.S. Representative (R) from Georgia

The Every Student Succeeds Act benefits low-income students, minority students, and English language barriers to learners by requiring schools to include student data about these groups into their accountability process. High-stakes testing will no longer monopolize our class time. Schools will now have the flexibility to pilot innovative testing measures, allowing more time for learning in the classroom.

—From Loretta Sanchez, U.S Representative (D) from California

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