03.07.2019 • 

Answer the following questions: about "the feudal monarchs and the church 1.) what is a nation-state? 2.) list three means monarch's used to centralized their power. 3.) explain how did william the conqueror became the king of england in 1066? 4.) what was the domesday book? 5.) describe what common law is and how it came about. 6.) what tragic event occurred at the cathedral in canterbury? what were its effects? 7.) describe king john of england characteristics and describe the three major problems of his reign. 8.) what are the two main ideas of the magna carta? 9.) what three rights are included in due process of the law? 10.) explain what habeas corpus means. 11.) what is parliament? what are the two houses? 12.) what is meant by the term power of the purse? 13.) list 9 characteristics and actions to describe why louis ix was considered the ideal monarch of the time. 14. define the phrase holy roman emperor as it pertains to otto i. 15.) why was pope gregory vii against lay investiture? 16.) what was declared at the concordat of worms? 17.) pope innocent iii lead the church to a powerful peak in 1200s, list five of the events and claims he made.

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