28.06.2020 • 

Answer the following questions in paragraph format. 1. Who wrote this document and when? 2. What was the purpose of this document? 3. Who was the target audience of this document and what effect was it suppose to have on them? 4. What was the historical context of this document? 5. What does this document tell us about the people and time it was written? Does it support the claims of the textbook or is it not typical of its time? 6. What major issue of the day was it suppose to address? 7. Choose a quote or aspect of the document that sticks out to you and explain why you believe this quote or aspect is significant to you

Answer the following questions in paragraph format. 1. Who wrote this document and when? 2. What wa
Answer the following questions in paragraph format. 1. Who wrote this document and when? 2. What wa

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