09.03.2021 • 

APPEAL Activists from diverse groups and movements around the world are discussing, networking and organizing for an INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION on November 30th [1999]. On this day, officials of 150 governments will meet in Seattle for the 3rd conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), at which they will decide on new policies that will further escalate the exploitation of our planet and its people by the global economic system. They will attempt to push through a new version of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and further neoliberalization through a new round of free trade talks.

We now call for COMMUNITIES, GRASSROOTS GROUPS, AND INDIVIDUALS around the world to organize their own independent actions, protests, and carnivals against economic globalization on November 30th. We realize that no issue is isolated, be it exploitation of workers, the peasant farmers going bankrupt, the indigenous peoples getting displaced by ‘development’ programs, or our environment being destroyed. We also realize that we must act together against the social, political, and economic institutions of the global economy.

Our day of action on November 30th should follow the example of the day of action we organized on June 18th of this year. On that day, separate grassroots movements in over 30 countries on all continents staged protests against the global economic system. The day saw for instance marches by workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan; a mock ‘trade conference’ by Uruguayan activists; thousands of people in a carnival-style protest in London’s financial district; occupations and street parties in Spain, Italy, USA, and Canada; ten thousand people in Nigeria protesting the actions of the global oil businesses; and, in Melbourne [Australia], a prominent politician hit with a cream pie and the offices of a multinational logging corporation blockaded with dead wombats.


Appeal by the “November 30 Day of Action Collective,” an activist group, published online, 1999

The actions outlined in the last paragraph best illustrate which of the following weaknesses of the anti-globalization movement?

A. The anti-globalization movement encompassed too many different groups around the world and advocated too many different goals to be truly effective.
B. The anti-globalization movement did not make effective use of new communication technologies to broaden its appeal.
C. The anti-globalization movement focused on social problems arising from cultural or racial bias, but neglected problems arising from economic inequality.
D. The anti-globalization movement advocated revolutionary methods of political change.

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