10.05.2021 • 

Bell Ringer CHAPTER 16 Toward Civil War
Chapter Overview
In addition to their social, political, and economic differences, the issue
of slavery drove a wedge between the North and South. As new states
entered the Union, the question of whether to admit them as free
states or slave states arose, and further compromises were reached to
avoid conflict. Still, growing tensions led to differences that could not
be solved by compromise. Slavery became central to the presidential
politics of the period, and elections were decided along strictly
sectional lines. As the disagreements turned more hostile, some states
threatened to leave the Union. These tensions would eventually lead to
the Civil War.
Read the above text and list at least 5 differences (issues) between the
North and South.

Bell Ringer

CHAPTER 16 Toward Civil War
Chapter Overview
In addition to their social, political,

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