18.06.2021 • 

Can anyone help me with my assignment? Option B: For choice B, please discuss the principle differences between Pre-Pottery
Neolithic sites such as Jericho and 'Ain Ghazal on the one hand, and a later Neolithic site
such as Çatal Höyük on the other? What does Çatal Höyük suggest about the increasing
ability of human beings to exploit, order, and manage their environment? Please
remember, I am expecting to see examples, quotes, or paraphrased (but cited)
information from our secondary sources i.e e-text and websites (and any other
information you would like to share). You may include images in your posts. Respond to
1 of your peers, keeping in mind my requirements for these responses (see syllabus).
You will not be able to see any posts until you first post your main discussion. Then, you
will see all of them so you can post a reply to someone. This is the case with every
discussion we complete. I have attached the rubric we will use to grade. it is also in the
syllabus. Please remember, to be considered for the highest grades,
you must cite or
reference material from the readings. I accept MLA, APA, Chicago, and in text simple
styles such as (Brand, Chapter 1, section 10) followed by complete citation at the end.
This will apply to every discussion we do moving I don't have to keep
repeating it :)Enjoy!!!

Can anyone help me with my assignment?

Option B: For choice B, please discuss the principle diffe

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