01.05.2021 • 

Chapter 28: World War I (page 656-681) 1. What was the role nationalism played in causing World War I?(657)
The role that was caused by this war
2. What did countries do in response to the militarism in the years leading up to World War I? (657)
3. What countries were part of the Triple Alliance and which countries were part of the Triple Entente prior to World War I? (658)
4. The British believed the war would end quickly, but it bogged down in trench warfare. True or False (660-661)
5. What is war requiring increased industrial production called? (663) HINT: two words
6. What economic change occurred during World War I as a result of "total war"?? (669-670)
7. What event helped convince the United States to enter World War I on the side of the Allies? (671)
8. What countries offense collapsed after the United States entered World War I? (673)
9. What were the changes that resulted from Woodrow Wilson called for in his Fourteen Points? (672-673 & 674-675)
10. What were the costs of World War I in terms of death and the world economies? (677)
11. Did the Treaty of Versailles set the stage for long-term peace? (681)
Chapter 29: Revolution and Nationalism (page 684-705)
1. Who believed that Professional revolutionaries would seize power for the working class? (686)
2. What tactics did Vladimir Lenin employ following the Russian Revolution? (689-691)
3. One effect of the Russian Revolution was a humiliating defeat of Russia by who? (689)
4. What was the purpose of Stalin's Five-Year Plans for Russia? (692)
5. What phrase did Gandhi use to explain his philosophy of nonviolent civil disobedience? (695)
6. What was a goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in post-World War I Egypt? (699)
7. What is at the role of Zionism in ongoing Middle East tensions? And what do they believe should be done with the Holy Land? (705)
Chapter 30: Crisis and Response (page 709-725)
1. What changes occurred in U.S. society during the 1920s? (711-714)
2. What were the direct causes of the Great Depression? (715-717)
3. What was the New Deal? (720)
4. What way is communism and fascism alike? (722)
5. Do workers theoretically control production in communism or fascism? (722)
6. What book are Hitler's beliefs as expressed that Germans were part of the “master race”? (723)
7. "In the composition of the truly brave there should be no malice, no anger, no distrust, no fear of death or physical hurt. Nonviolence is certainly not for those who lack these essential qualities."
Which revolutionary leader would be most likely to have said this? (700-702)
8. "[They] are terror-stricken at the growing workers' revolutionary movement.…Even though [they] are still raging, even though they may kill thousands more workers, victory will be ours."
Which revolutionary leader would be most likely to have said this? (690-691)

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