25.04.2021 • 

Choose any country (or city within the country) you have studied in this unit. These include Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, or Bosnia-Herzegovina. Using the Internet, an encyclopedia, or other resources, find out as much as possible about the country or city chosen. Write a report of at least four paragraphs using the information. Draw a map of the country (or the location of the city in the country) and the countries surrounding it. Name all the countries on your map. Places we look for information are called sources. Encyclopedias and other books provide much information of general interest about common things. We learn about the newest ideas and inventories in newspapers, magazines, radio, television, the Internet, and other audio-visual media.

Talking to people is another way of gathering information. By asking people questions, you can understand specific information clearly.

Primary sources are writings whose authors were directly involved in the subject. Some examples of primary sources are eyewitnesses reports, autobiographies, diaries, letters, newsreel footage, interviews, and other historical people who actually were involved in the event being studied.

Secondary sources are written by writers who were not eyewitnesses nor participated in the event. You will want to make sure the author includes his sources of information.

A modern secondary source is the Internet. If you use the Internet as a source, you use URL (Universal Resource Locator). Type a keyword about your subject in a small box next to the word search.

If you choose to use the information you have located, you will need to document or show from where you received the information. Always rewrite the information in your own words.

Upload your country report and a hand-drawn map of the country. Your report must be at least four paragraphs. Be sure to include a list of sources you used during your research.

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