12.04.2021 • 

Compare the following two states paper(year of 1860 after Lincoln’s election), : Question is to make a claim either the southern states paper is correct or the northern states and explain.(1 paragraph)

Southern state: They have robbed us of our property, they have murdered our citizens, they have set at naught the decrees of the Supreme Court, they have invaded our States and killed our citizens, they have declared their determination to exclude us altogether from the Territories, and they have capped this mighty pyramid of insults by electing Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency, on a platform and by a system which indicates nothing but the subjugation of the South and the complete ruin of her social, political, and industrial institutions.

Northern state: There never was such a set of arrogant and imperious rulers as the slave-driving captains of this Republic, since the world began. Of all men, they most need the discipline of reverses and the humiliation of defeat. It is their foolish temper that forbids them to submit to being fairly beaten in a Presidential election. They will not take the position of a defeated party. They will rule or they will ruin. They will govern the country or they will destroy it, if they can. They will remain in control of the Government, or they will drag it down about our ears, and bury all in a common destruction.

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