16.12.2020 • 

Connecticut is joining a national drive to effectively elect the president by popular vote. The state’s legislature passed a bill, pledged to be signed into law . . . that would bring the state into an arrangement in which states would deliver their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, regardless of the state's results.

Once enough states join the agreement—it takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidency—it could have the effect of controlling the Electoral College.

–Eli Watkins, CNN, May 7, 2018

a) Identify the constitutional provision(s) at issue in the described scenario and discuss whether the proposed agreement would be constitutional.

b) In the context of the scenario, discuss what actions, if any, the federal government could undertake in response to such a multistate agreement.

c) In the context of the scenario, describe how a potential candidate might campaign differently than under current Electoral College rules.

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