11.11.2020 • 

Document 1: Graph The graph shows the difference of the money amounts from the years 1890-1914, and as shown on the graph the money increased by a lot .
It might have helped cause world war 1 because of the increasing amount of money that was used for the armaments from 1890 through 1914 .

Document 2: Map
The map shows the alliance systems of the triple alliance and the triple entente. The members of the triple entendre seem bigger. most of the members of the triple entente are from russia
Alliances allow for mutual defense systems that could cause fear of war

Document 3: Imperialism/Nationalism
The countries in Europe wanted to have colonies overseas for multiple reasons that could possibly help benefit their country and economy
Each stronger country wanted dominance in different continents
This could cause conflict between stronger countries fighting over who gets control

Document 4:Trouble in the
Trying to fit for the individual rule in their own countries to break away from imperial nations
Fight for control over their own selves and defeat the ‘’stronger nation
Fight for freedom

Document 6:
Contributing Factors
Germany gained power and people didn't like it
England and France had an alliance which led
Frightened about the armed camps to many shootings and incidences in the Balkans

The shooting caused war whether intentional or not . The military caused it by firing back at the frightened people.
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
June 1914: Serbrain secret society shot the next in line to the throne of Austria-Hungary to try and get freedom

It Caused war because that figurehead is important to some people. People were against the fact that he was dead. So they would need to find a new leader.

From this background information, Was war the only option for Europe? Could there have been another solution? Defend your answer.

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