13.11.2019 • 

Document 6
except from the london times january 25, 1793
execution of louis xvi- king of the french

by an express which arrived yesterday morning from messrs. fector and co. at dover, we learn the following
particulars of the king's execution:
the greatest tranquility prevailed in every street through which the procession passed. about half past nine,
the king arrived at the place of execution, which was in the place de louis xv. between the pedestal which
formerly supported the statue of his grandfather, and the promenade of the elysian fields. louis mounted the
scaffold with composure, and that modest intrepidity peculiar to oppressed innocence, the trumpets sounding
and drums beating during the whole time. he made a sign of wishing to harangue fcriticizeſ the multitude, when
the drums ceased, and louis spoke these few words. "i die innocent; i pardon my enemies, i only sanctioned
upon compulsion the civil constitution of the " he was proceeding, but the beating of the drums
drowned his voice. his executioners then laid hold of him, and an instant after, his head was separated from his
body; this was about a quarter past ten o'clock.
after the execution, the people threw their hats up in the air, and cried out vive la nation! some of them
endeavored to seize the body, but it was removed by a strong guard to the temple, and the lifeless remains of
the king were exempted from those outrages which his majesty had experienced during his life.

6a. what is the extent to which problems were solved by executing the king of france?

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