29.02.2020 • 

Document C You had far better all die—die immediately, than live slaves, and throw your misery upon your children. However much you and all of us may desire it, there is not much hope of freedom without the shedding of blood. If you must bleed, let it all come at once--rather die freemen, than live to be slaves. The patriotic Nathaniel Turner was driven to desperation by the wrong and injustice of slavery. By force, his name has been recorded on the list of dishonor, but future generations will remember him among the noble and brave. Source: Henry Highland Garnet speech, "An Address To The Slaves Of The United States" (1843). Garnets speech was delivered at the National Negro Convention of 1843 held in Buffalo, New York. The convention drew 70 delegates including leaders like Frederick Douglass.

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