17.09.2019 • 

During the 1500s, what was china's official trade policy?
who captained the first european ship to sail around the cape of good hope?
what major barrier hindered effective centralized government in japan?
who conquered the aztec empire?
which european country was the first to import enslaved africans to the americas?
as part of the columbian exchange, which of the following was carried west across the alantic?
what concept was the belief in "divine right" used to support?
during the reign of ivan the terrible, which of the following groups suffered the greatest loss of power?
what was the the cause of the 8 civil wars that were fought in france between 1562 and 1598?
francis bacon develop
isaac newton explained the law of gravity? t or f?
the bill of rights influenced
what might reflect the neoclassical style?
about what percentage of france's population belonged to the third estate?
during the reign of terror, who was safe from the guillotine?
how did admiral nelson win the battle of trafalgar?
what strategy did czar alexander the first use to defeat napolean in russia?

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