13.02.2021 • 

For the Journal activity: Please write at least three to five sentences for today’s Journal entry. You have not had any journal writing assignments for this part of the Unit so far, so I expect to see a bit more from you now.

Use at least THREE (3) relevant vocabulary terms. Examples of relevant vocabulary terms might include revolution, republic, San Jacinto, Stephen Austin, strategy, Mexico, Santa Anna, or dictator. These are just suggestions!

Your journal assignment will be graded on:

(1) Timely completion of the assignment (1 point);

(2) Use of at least three (3) vocabulary words (1 point each);

(3) Overall content and subject matter (3 points); and

(4) Use of complete sentences and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation (3 points).

(Total of 10 points possible.)

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