10.10.2019 • 

For this essay, write a 250-word essay on how the civil war impacted your state. there are many different questions you may answer when writing this assignment. what issues was your state primarily concerned with in the civil war? did men from your state serve in one of the armies? how many died? were prison camps built in pennsylvania? which side(s) did your state fight on? did your state take any other kind of action (political, religious, social) to promote its position on the civil war? if your state fought in the war, who were the important figures? when did they fight? what were the outcomes? how many battles were there in your state? did pennsylvania's agriculture or economy change as a result of the war? what happened after the war? is there still conflict or difference of opinion over the civil war in pennsylvania today? below are several websites to you begin your research. make sure that you cite your sources carefully, whether you read books, search the internet, or interview people!

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