03.03.2022 • 

FUNCTIONALIST THEORIES A famous French sociologist, Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), suggested that the purpose of Religion is to help keep order in social life. Thus Religion is necessary for maintaining harmony in society. Sociologist and theologian, J Milton Yinger (1916-2011), suggests that Religion helps people cope with life's difficulties and gives people hope and meaning in the face of meaningless, evil and suffering. He suggests that Religion is more about believing in something, and not so much about the object of the belief. So, according to him, there does not have to be a God or supernatural being. If people believe in something outside of themselves, and this helps them find answers to the ultimate question, then it is a religion. On the other hand, if a person's system or belief doesn't help them, to find meaning in life, then it is not a religion. Of course, not all scholars agree with Yinger. Some argue that there as to be a supernatural dimension (a good, gods or spirit/s) to religion, otherwise anything can be considered a Religion and the term will become meaningless.

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