19.01.2021 • 

Gathering Sources and Writing an Introduction In this task, you’ll gather sources for your argumentative essay. Then you’ll draft your thesis statement to answer the historical question that you identified in Task 1. Finally, you’lll write your introductory paragraph.

Part A
Write your thesis statement in the space provided. Because this paper is asking you to make an argument, your thesis should clearly state your stance on the answer to your particular historical question. Here are some other tips and instructions for writing a good argumentative thesis statement.

Part B
Evidence is crucial to writing an argumentative essay. Because you are making a claim, you need to back it up with factual information. For this essay you will need at least three reliable sources. You can use the lessons from this unit or any outside research in the form of books, journal articles, or resources from the Internet to support your thesis.

In the space provided, list the resources you will use for your essay.
Part C
Next, write your introduction. It should include your thesis statement as well as a brief review of your topic. Your introduction should also tell your readers why they should care about this topic. Remember that your introduction should grab your audience’s interest and make them want to keep reading.

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