17.01.2020 • 

General henri gouraud was a commander of the french army in world war i. he sent this memo on the eve of the second battle of the marne in 1918.

to the french and american soldiers of the army: . .

the bombardment will be terrible. you will endure it without weakness. the attack in a cloud of dust and gas will be fierce, but your positions and your armament are formidable.

the strong and brave hearts of free men beat in your breasts. none will look behind, none will give way. . and therefore your general tells you it will be a glorious day.
–gen. henri gouraud,
july 16, 1918

what was the purpose of general gouraud’s memo?

to explain the upcoming allied strategy
to encourage his forces on the eve of battle
to direct his troops to surrender
to defend his actions to his superiors

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