14.05.2021 • 

Giving 50 pts to best answer give evidence I will give to. 1 How did the growth of resistance movements in Eastern Europe lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union? It led to the collapse of the military power that had held the Soviet Union together, causing the union to dissolve.

It resulted in leaders of Eastern European satellite nations and individual Soviet republics traveling to Moscow in a successful bid to break up the Soviet Union.

It caused the Soviet central government to face internal pressure to dismantle the Soviet Union.

It eventually spread to individual Soviet republics as well, leading to their independence. 2 How did the failures of communist economic systems lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Economic production in the Soviet Union fell due to an emphasis on recruiting military troops, meaning fewer industrial workers were available.

Economic failures, such as shortages of basic consumer goods, led to the demand for reform and subsequent uprisings, which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

New credit reforms in the Soviet Union led to overspending by Soviet citizens and the Soviet Union’s collapse.

A global drop in the price of petroleum oil caused an economic recession in the Soviet Union, leading to its collapse.

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