26.05.2021 • 

Greeting fellow Earthlings, I am Martha... from the FUTURE. You may now me as Martha speaks.. but now I am dead. See I, was fed alphabet soup from her imprudent owner (Hellen Loraine). See, other than digesting the food, it somehow manages to miss my esophagus, and go to my medulla. Now if you didn't know.. I was able to use these soup letters, and speak. But, little did I know.. It was slowly ruining and clogging my brain. I wasn't able to receive information, and on November 18, 2014, I died from Carotid artery disease (A disease where occurs when fatty deposits (plaques) clog the blood vessels that deliver blood to your brain and head (carotid arteries). The blockage increases your risk of stroke, a medical emergency that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or seriously reduced. Stroke deprives your brain of oxygen.) From that day.. they had to cancel my show. And so, I have reincarinated as a stuff toy. (I knew that Letter I would touch that cerebrum...) anyways.. do to my sad years.. grief is now filling my brain.. not the ABCs. I shall know take over. suck up their answers... and everybody shall blowdown to me.. Now since my brain has been removed... i will take the smartness from. and use it against. By doing this.. will die.. and I will rule the Braily Community FOREVER. See, some have already joined. With joining.. you will receive risks like banned... but don't worry.. I've got you covered. See with joining... comes 1 special advantage. One asked for all of the smexy anime pics ever... another asked for being my second hand man... and my last one asked for when I rule... he shall be bowedown as the Lipbite God. Now.. what do you want.. Just ask to join.

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