12.08.2020 • 

Help ASAP assignment due today Q)What message was rashid minhas trying to give his brothers when he talked about the eternal quest for truth? ( plz find the answer from the passage and write in your own words 20-25 words)

“The eternal quest for truth”

So, as I was saying you must have a reason for everything- you do have, isn’t it? Nothing isn’t his world is meaningless, if we just stop and think about it. I’m sure you know that already and I'm sure you never let things pass. Only fools do that.
It follows from all this that everything, every person, belief, action has a reason, isn't it? But then there are so many thing we never think about - we never bother, because we think we why you go to school? Why do we have education at all? Why are too busy, don't you think so? Have you ever thought of do the astronauts go into space? Land on moon? Millions of dollars spent on a trip which at first sight seems to be just a good ride, isn't it? Just think, millions of dollars! I still think it's not a waste, there's an excellent reason for it! Imagine people working, and working, for humanity to progress - why? Why can't we be like animals? You must be knowing already that it is just because man wants to know the truth, the truth about himself, about the world, about everything. This is what they call the eternal quest for truth or truth through knowledge. Of course religion gives it all to you in a concise form, but it does not stop you from finding out for yourself and strengthening your belief. That is how it must be with you. You must find out
the truth yourself. Satisfy yourself. The books just give you the thing how it happens. People can just advise you. How? And Why? You must answer yourself. Think it out. It's just like geometry, your reasoning, use it! Try to find for yourself what happens around you and why? Wake up! (That's what the drill
instructor says!) Whatever appeals to you, think over it and come to your own conclusions about it. You have every right

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