22.12.2020 • 

HELP ASAP: Follow the steps below to complete your presentation, and use the links provided to assist with your research and writing. When you have finished your slideshow, use the dropbox to submit it to your teacher.

1. Gather sources. Before creating your presentation, gather resources to build your argument and support your thesis. For each source, consider the following questions:

Who authored the document?
What is the purpose of the document?
When was the document written?
How will this document help answer the prompt?
How will this document help answer the prompt? Here is a resource that will help you complete this task:
Research and Writing Info Center

2. Read and evaluate sources. Next, examine each source and think about how you will use it to support your argument and presentation. Be an active researcher by asking the following questions about each source you reference:

What is the credibility of the source?
Is there any noticeable bias?
How does the argument differ from others you have read?
What is the value of the resource to the topic you are investigating?
3. Form your argument. Now that you have analyzed resources to use as evidence, revisit the prompt question, and develop your argument.

Make a particular effort to match the evidence in your sources to the points in your argument. Learn more about developing an argument.
4. Write your presentation. As you create your presentation, use quotations from your sources to support your argument. Keep the following ideas in mind:

Write out a presentation script, showing the order you will place each screen and each screen’s content.
To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite your resources properly with in-text citations as well as a works cited page at the end of your presentation.
When you finish, reread your presentation to make sure the prompt is answered, and then proofread it to be sure your work doesn’t contain errors in grammar or spelling.

5. Create your presentation. Using slideshow software, create your presentation. Your presentation should answer the prompt about the history of immigration in the United States.

(optional) Feel free to record audio narration with your presentation. Including audio narration can improve the clarity, quality, and organization of your presentation. These resources will help you create your presentation:

Create Your First PowerPoint Presentation
Designing an Effective Presentation

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