05.05.2020 • 

8. European opposition to immigration primarily relates to
a-unauthorized immigration.
b-increased cultural diversity.
c-insufficient natural resources.
d-rapid overpopulation and crowding.
e-the expansion of crime and unemployment.

9. During the process of demographic transition, why does the total population continue to grow if the natural increase rate is moderating?
The crude birthrate stabilizes while the crude death rate declines.
The crude birthrate remains higher than the crude death rate.
The crude birthrate declines faster than the crude death rate.
Economic changes stabilize the crude death rate.
Economic changes stabilize the crude birthrate.

10. As a result of preferences given to skilled workers by many countries, source countries are most likely to
implement their own immigration quota system.
encounter shortages of talented professionals.
try to attract skilled professionals from other countries.
prohibit emigration and foreign travel among their citizens.
initiate worker training programs.

11. How would a long-term draught most likely affect a region at stage 2 of the demographic transition?
The natural increase rate would decline.
The total fertility rate would remain stable.
The crude birthrate would remain stable.
The crude death rate would decline.
The natural increase rate would stabilize.

12. Which type of migration best describes a move from the suburbs to a nearby city?
forced migration
voluntary migration
seasonal migration
interregional migration
intraregional migration

13. In the mid-nineteenth century, a major pull factor in US interregional migration was
the building of the Erie Canal.
the cold climate in the East.
the Gold Rush in the West.
the expansion of the railroads.
the overcrowding in the East.

14. Economic development results in low agricultural density because
farmers require minimal land to feed the population.
people are able to leave agriculture for different fields.
fewer farms are needed to feed the population.
more people depend on factory-made food.
farmers lack workers to support their farms.

15. In a region with a low crude birthrate, a high crude death rate is most likely indicative of
an aging population.
a lack of health care.
a high infertility rate.
a lack of food and water.
an infertile population.

16. Which region most likely has a high dependency ratio?
one with many university students
one with a very high crude birthrate
one with a heavily imbalanced sex ratio
one with few retirees or older people
one with few employment opportunities

17. According to demographers, zero population growth occurs during the process of demographic transition when
the crude birth and death rates are simultaneously low.
the crude birth and death rates begin to increase rapidly.
the crude death rate is higher than the crude birthrate.
the total fertility rate falls below the crude birthrate.
the total fertility rate rises above the crude death rate.

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