26.02.2021 • 

Hinduism & the Guptas Buddhism & the Mauryans Social They had used Caste system, with untouchables to do the jobs that no one wanted. Intermarriage between caste levels was not allowed. Political In 321 BCE, Chandragupta Maurya took over the former Magadha kingdom. It became the center of the Mauryan Empire. His government was a highly organized bureaucracy. He worked his way westward to the Indus Valley. The third emperor, Asoka, brought all of India, except the far south, into the empire. He used military strategy to rule. Religion There were temples and the worship of many gods. Animal sacrifices and complex rituals made some people feel disconnected from Hinduism. Religious beliefs were spread through trade. Intellectual Buddha's teachings and the Four Noble Truths were passed down through oral tradition. Buddhists meditate to find their own truths. Asoka placed stone pillars providing moral guidance all over India (Edicts of Asoka.) Technology Gupta metal workers built a huge wrought-iron pillar. Indian doctors practiced Ayurvedic medicine. They could set bones and perform simple surgeries. They also began vaccinating people against smallpox. Economy Roads and harbors were built to help trade grow. Royal officials collected taxes. Choose four of the questions to answer. Use the lesson and chart, to answer each question in three or more sentences in your own words. How did Hindu animal sacrifices impact Buddhist practices? How was Prince Siddhartha's life different after his four pilgrimages? Compare and contrast Moksha and Nirvana. Describe Asoka's rule before and after he converted to Buddhism. As newcomers to India, the Aryans exchanged culture with the people living there. Describe what the Aryans gave to Indian society and what they learned from the people living there. If you had to choose, would you choose to live in the Mauryan or Gupta Empire? Let's imagine the United States was debating to bring a caste system to the country, would you protest or support the effort? Why or why not?

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