07.04.2020 • 

i NEed help fast thank you in advance i want to check my work
A mutation is defined as:

Question 12 options:

A change in the cell's structure.

A change in the DNA sequence.

Anything that changes in an an embryo.

Any change in the physical features of a human.

Mutations are random.

Question 13 options:

What causes mutations?

Question 14 options:

Mistakes in replication or environmental substances.

An organsim's need for a more advantageous trait

DNA getting tired.

A need for superpowers in the population

Using your knowledge of the different types of mutations, which type would be the most severe?

Question 15 options:

point mutations

substitution mutations

frameshift mutations

mutations where A's are replaced with T's

A geneticist found that a particular mutation had no effect on the protein produced by the gene. What type of mutation would this be called?

Question 17 options:

silent mutation

frameshift mutation

point mutation

missense mutation

If a mutation in a gene does not result in a change in protein function, the resulting effect is most likely to be:

Question 18 options:


not a mutation



If a mutation in a gene allows a protein to function more efficiently, the resulting effect is most likely to be:

Question 19 options:




not a mutation

Which of the following best describes the relationship between a mutation and a resulting change in the eye color of a rabbit?

Question 20 options:

gene structure changes --> protein function changes --> protein structure changes --> observable trait changes

protein structure changes --> protein function changes --> gene structure changes --> observable trait changes

gene structure changes --> protein structure changes --> protein function changes --> observable trait changes

protein function changes --> gene structure changes --> protein structure changes --> observable trait changes

Which of the following best describes what happens in genetic medicine using CRISPR technology?

Question 21 options:

The DNA sequence of the gene is edited using a guide DNA and Cas9. The DNA can be cut and deleted or new DNA can be inserted.

DNA is inserted into a virus and then put into a person. The virus "infects" the patient with the "good" DNA.

Proteins are inserted into a patient to kill off mutated DNA

Healthy proteins are inserted into a patient since their DNA does not produce the right proteins.

Which of the following best describes what happens in genetic therapy?

Question 22 options:

The DNA sequence of the gene is edited using a guide DNA and Cas9. The DNA can be cut and deleted or new DNA can be inserted.

DNA is inserted into a virus and then put into a person. The virus "infects" the patient with the "good" DNA.

Proteins are inserted into a patient to kill off mutated DNA

Healthy proteins are inserted into a patient since their DNA does not produce the right proteins.

Which of the following best describes how genetic research targeting DNA affects proteins.

Question 23 options:

Since DNA gets it's code from mRNA, targeting the DNA does not really change the original code or the proteins created in the body.

The DNA code can change, but since DNA changes to mRNA first it will not affect the protein function in our bodies.

Proteins create the DNA code, so by changing the proteins we change the DNA. DNA won't change the proteins created.

Since DNA is the original code the body uses to make proteins, changing the DNA will ultimately affect the proteins being formed and working in our bodies.

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