04.02.2020 • 

Iam supposed to write a five page essay could someone check out what i have so far for page it is on women rights! ! here is the essay! :

women have control over their own lives. they should have the same opportunities as men do. women had inforce the right that every female has in this world.
acid throwing (damages faces and hands of women) -child marriage (almost ½ of the women are married before 18) - domestic violence (effects around 90% of women). india ranked as one of many of the worst country’s for women to live due to violence, domestic abuse. a lot of girls in india have faced being married before turning 18 which is also founded in a lot of country’s.
women in afghanistan got their fingers cut off just because of women wearing nail polish. they got lashes on their legs and back due to not following the proper dress code. some got their bodies cut and mutilated through the domestic violence.
total freedom of their life and bodies. to vote and marry whoever they want. right to work and vote.
able to vote in the future and ban child marriage. more female leaders or a female leader of the u.n. inforce sanctions, like with apartheid.

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