10.03.2020 • 

"In Florence, despite all that human wisdom and forethought could devise to avert it, as the cleansing of the city from many impurities by officials appointed for the purpose, the refusal of entrance to all sick folk, and the adoption of many precautions for the preservation of health; despite also humble supplications addressed to God, and often repeated both in public procession and otherwise, by the devout; towards the beginning of the spring of the said year the doleful effects of the pestilence began to be horribly apparent by symptoms that shewed as if miraculous." Excerpt from "The Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio Using the prompt above, which statement regarding the Renaissance period was NOT true? A) Florence was a city of renowned learning and art. B) Religion played a major role in people's everyday life. C) The Black Plague swept through Italy causing social and cultural changes. D) The Black Plague skipped Italy due to diligent efforts to stop

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