10.06.2021 • 

In The Killing Fields, we see the situation from the point of view of two people: Dith Pran and Sydney Schanberg. Consider the following characters and their point of view of the Khmer Rouge revolution, US intervention in Cambodia, and transition to the Kampuchea government, - Sarun, Pran’s driver
- Al Rockoff (photographer)
- The young soldier who said ‘Mercedes number one’
- Ser Meoum, Pran’s wife
- Phat (the man who gave up his son)
-12 Your Sadist (giver her a name)
You will write a one-page narrative in the first person, you can make up a scene or events but they should demonstrate the point of view of the character you have chosen and be consistent with the history of the place and time of the events.
- What were they doing before the Khmer Rouge took over?
- How did they feel when the Khmer Rouge took over?
- What did they do during the Khmer Rouge time?
- What did they do after the Khmer Rouge fell?

Below is a synopsis of the history that followed the genocide.
The Vietnamese invaded Cambodia in 1979, following Khmer Rouge attacks on Vietnamese villages. For ten years Cambodia was ruled by a Vietnamese-backed government, while different groups continued fighting. These groups included the Khmer Rouge, the supporters of the King, and the Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government. In 1991 the United Nations got all sides to agree to a peace plan, disarm, and hold elections. 22,000 UN military and civilian staff went to Cambodia to supervise the elections, and bring the refugees home from the border (between 1979 and 1989 150,000 refugees resettled to the US). The elections were held in 1993. A tribunal (court) has been set up to bring senior Khmer Rouge leaders to trial on genocide charges.

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